It's Happening!!!! Trent Williams Didn't Pass His Physical Because He Said His Helmet Wasn't Comfortable

Just as we suspected, it’s actually happening! I just got done blogging how great it would be if Trent Williams faked a new injury every day, and voila, it has begun. “Discomfort with his helmet” is some A+ reporting from JP there. It’s funny on so many levels. But most obviously the fact the team doctors misdiagnosed a tumor on his head last year, making him never want to play for the Skins again. So while he passed the physical parts of the physical, he just couldn’t get that dang Redskins helmet to fit comfortably. Crazy how that happens.

So now we have our own #HelmetGate. And we’ll see what happens tomorrow. Maybe he tweaks his back in the shower. Or sleeps wrong and wakes up with a bad neck. Maybe he burns his hand cooking dinner tonight. Or maybe the helmet still won’t fit. The possibilities are endless!

They shoulda just fucking traded him.





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